General Consultation

Proven to help people break free from their own limiting beliefs and achieve maximum potential.

Bobby’s own set of unique circumstances and life-experiences have allowed him to create a proprietary system of consulting aimed at achieving One Goal:

Making You Better!

Each consultation is at least one hour in length, and guarantees a one-on-one phone call with Bobby himself.

When being advised, you can expect Bobby to guide you to new-found insights in areas such as:

Positivity Mindset - Education - Momentum - Action - Relationships

Imagine: No more drama. No more anxiety.

No more being afraid, of anyone or anything.

Our goal is to help you change your life forever.

If you would like to book a General Consultation, please visit our Store for options.

Pre-Incarceration Consultation


Many of us have broken rules over our lifetime, and not given it a second thought. No one was there to hold you accountable, and you slid by, without anyone the wiser.

A few of us, however, will be caught. There’ll be a traffic cop, a phone call, an undercover narc; whatever the case, the law will show up, and you’ll be held to the fullest extent of it.

I pray none of you ever have to go through the system.

If you have found yourself on the receiving end, you can breathe a little easier:

You’ve come to the right place.


My name is Bobby Dino. I went through what you’re experiencing, and then some. I did ten years in an overcrowded and underfunded California Prison System. More importantly, I made it out the other end. I’ve been doing extremely well in life, and I’m here to help you reach where I’m standing.

If incarceration is in the future for you or a loved one, reach out and get in touch.

My services include:


One-on-One Consultation

Via phone, and/or in person* to address all concerns, answer any questions, and help you move forward. We’ll find what you need together, and take it as far as we feel is necessary.

Counseling can cover a wide array of topics; enough so that while some clients may need hours of preparation, others may need weeks. The time spent preparing you is priceless, if it means assuring you come out of prison alive and healthy.



I’ll make a self-tailored course for you, in order to make your transition as seamless as possible. You’ll study areas like learning what to expect, how to carry yourself, etc.

Prison is a completely different world; you need to be prepared.

With my course, you’ll be ready.


Pre/Post Verdict Case Assistance

Upon successful completion of your course, I’ll make myself available to write letters, make/receive phone calls, and in some instances, show up for court proceedings*.


My concern is you. It’s a lonely place, where you are now.

Good news is, it doesn’t have to be.


If you’d like to have me on your team, fill out the form below, and an associate or I will contact you within 24 hours.

Post-Incarceration Consultations

Are you currently incarcerated, but are being released soon? Maybe you’re the family or friend of a loved one, who’s nearing the end of their sentence?

Please, read on.


“Recidivism rates by state vary but California is among the highest in the nation. According to a 2012 report by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, just over 65% of those released from California's prison system return within three years.”


You’d be amazed, at the amount of people who don’t have a plan in place for when they’re released from prison. They may have a wish list, but having an actual plan? Very few complete this critical step before returning to society.

One of the unique aspects of my services is helping people achieve a plan, before they’re released. A place to stay, a career; we can even refer you to trusted outside services, such as legal, counseling, and even personal training, should the need arise.

You may have heard stories, of having no chance as a felon, once returning to society. Or, maybe you’ve heard horror stories concerning evil parole officers, willing and eager to keep you part of The System.


You do have a chance at life after prison. You don’t have to be a statistic. If you’d like to have a future, and be able to enjoy life, don’t hesitate. Contact us, and get on the path to real freedom!


Please complete the form below