Welcome to BobbyDino.com.
You’ve arrived at the space where I document my journey, and in the process, help others become the best they can be.
Make yourself at home, read on, and enjoy your stay!
““If you’re going through hell,
keep going.”
-Winston Churchill”
Have you ever known someone who seemed to learn everything the hard way?
That was me, growing up.
No father. No direction.
Only a matter of time before I took things too far.
I was living a hedonistic lifestyle, consuming just about every substance in sight. During one of my drug-fueled benders, I got involved in an altercation with someone, and ended up hurting an innocent bystander.
I'd caused pain in a bunch of different people's lives, and I was about to pay the price for it.
From August, 2000, to January, 2010, I was incarcerated in California. I went in as this dummy, directionless kid, who blamed everyone and everything else for his problems.
Now? I’ve bought and sold multiple properties. Made a name for myself as a writer, speaker, and consultant. Living in a different country, and seeing the world.
Want to know how I did it?
I'd be happy to share what I’ve discovered. Keep reading through my website, and discover some insights and epiphanies I had to learn, the hard way.
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